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Your sneak peek to Spring semester classes

Estefania Rosas

The autumn breeze is in the air, and before you know it, it'll be spring. With the semester flying by registration for next year is upon us. It could be helpful to start formulating a plan for when registration opens. Here at the CCI department, we are excited about the new fascinating classes that will be offered this upcoming semester. Make sure you look over the topics for each course offering, as some classes have different subjects depending on what section it is. We hope that this sneak peak assists you in making educated decisions as you set up your spring semester.

By Estee Janssens on Unsplash.

CCI 100-01 Introduction to Creative and Cultural Industries:

  • Section 01- T/Th 1-2:15 PM

This class will provide students with an introduction to the key concepts in the field of the Creative and Culture industries. Central to the course will be the exploration of the how culture is used both at an institutional level and in everyday life as well as the idea of culture and cultural production and how these concepts have been understood and have changed throughout history. The main goal being to help the students to explore the definitions and wider implications of the Creative and Cultural Industries in order to consolidate students’ knowledge of the multiple meanings associated with this term.

CCI 203-01 Contemporary Issues in CCI- Content Creation:

  • Section 01- W 7-9:50 PM

This spring 2024 CCI 203 will be focused on the topic of Content Creation. The course will look at Content Creation by combining analysis and practice of cross-platform messaging including digital storytelling, blogging, digital storytelling and visual culture forms, while exploring issues of gender, equity, inclusion, power, pleasure and the creative process.

By Diego PH on Unsplash.

CCI 205-01 Digital Cultures: *NEW COURSE*

  • Section 01- T/Th 10-11:15 AM

This new course introduces students to the field of digital cultures, focusing on critical consideration of the social, political and ethical issues involved at the intersection of creativity and culture. Students reflect on the ways in which digital media (AI, social media, visual sonic cultures) structures the creative industries and impacts our lived experience.

Note that for all current CCI minors this course will count for CCI 203 or a lower division elective without using a substitution.

CCI 301-01 Studies in Cultural Institutions- Fashion: Performing Style and Identity:

  • Section 01- T 7-9:50 PM

This spring 2024 CCI 301-01 will explore the performance of identity through dress within a contemporary global context and in relation to gender, race, and class. How can practices of dress embody critical thought and ideas? The class examines the relationship of style and identity through the following units: Contextualizing Dress as Embodied Practice, Fashioning Identity, Style as Resistance, and Performing Style and Identity in Critical Practice. Students will examine their own personal dress narratives and will analyze the work of a contemporary artist who incorporates identity as a key part of their work.

CCI 304-01- CCI in Practice- Podcasting:

  • Section 01- Th 7-9:50 PM

This spring 2024 CCI 304-01 will focus on podcasting. This section of 304 allows students to contribute a segment for a reboot of the Catalyst Podcast, a podcast that focused on the art and the artists of Chapman University. Students who come out of this 300 level class will know how to produce, edit, host, market and launch their own podcast, and the Catalyst podcast would give them an opportunity to run a network, and give Chapman students an opportunity to subscribe, listen, and then learn about all of the talented students on the campus.

By Vika Strawberrika on Unsplash.

CCI 304-02- CCI in Practice- Undergraduate Journal Publishing:

  • Section 02- T/Th 11:30-12:45 PM

This spring 2024 CCI 301-02 will focus on the publishing process of an undergraduate journal. Students experience the real-world publication process of an undergraduate film journal, Film Matters. Students participate in the practice of editorship, involving (as needed) creation of journal policy and protocol, devise calls for issues and/or papers; solicit and review content from peers throughout the world. This class emphasizes diverse topics mindful of biases and neglected areas within the discipline.

**Note that this section of CCI 304-02 will require the Instructor's consent to add .

CCI 305 - Cultural Studies

  • Section 01- T/Th 2:30-3:45 PM

This course engages with the major ideas and concepts of cultural studies. It will introduce the emergence of cultural studies as a discipline, looking at its origins in film and media studies, anthropology, feminism, English, Art, political science, sociology, and gender studies. The course will explore how cultural studies developed ideas for examining cultural texts and products and their relationship to meaning and identity. The course will engage with issues of creativity and support students to pursue their own interests in CCI.

CCI 329-01 Experimental- Music as a Creative Industry: A Historical Perspective

  • Section 01- M/W 4-5:15 PM

This spring 2024 CCI 329-01 will focus on Music as a CCI. When we hear the word “industry” we tend to think of the contemporary meaning of the term, in the way we think of pre-industrial societies, before the Industrial Revolution. In effect, though, the arts and music have always been an industry in the real sense of the word way before the Industrial Revolution. Artistic production throughout the ages has been influenced by a variety of political, social, religious, economic, geographic, and cultural elements that have shaped the arts of any given period (including the arts of our own historical era) and the arts have provided opportunities and livelihood for countless individuals. In this course we will examine a series of case studies of the role of the arts in history, looking at all the factors mentioned above, focusing on moments of change and disruption, and dealing primarily with music, using history as a way to understand better today’s world and perhaps challenge our assumptions.

By Element5 Digital on Unsplash.


​Before registering, it is critical to thoroughly read the course descriptions, especially when enrolling in courses such as 203, 301, and 304, which may cover different core topics depending on the semester. This is simply to assist you in selecting courses that correspond to your academic interests and goals. It is important to know that with a large number of CCI minors, the program is committed to ensuring that you complete the minor in a reasonable time frame. Here are some things you should consider:

​1. There is no set order that CCI courses have to be taken in. You may take any course in any semester it is being offered.

2. If you are having trouble finding an available CCI course in a certain semester, you might consider taking an Individual Study (299/399/499), Independent Internship (490) or a Student Faculty Research/creative Activity course (291/491). They can be registered for any semester as long as you have a faculty advisor that can sign off on the class. It can then be used to count for most CCI core courses without using a substitution as long as the curriculum level matches.

3. There are 2 substitutions for use within the minor, so if you have a course that you have taken or would like to take, that is not a part of the minor, you can submit the course to the director for approval to use for a substitution. This is way that the minor can be customized further to look at a specific creative industry.

4. If you have questions about options, or classes remember that there is a CCI Peer advisor, Alissa Sakamoto. Her advising hours are Thursday: 2-4 pm in person & Friday: 9-10 am via zoom. You can make an appointment with her via calendly:

When registering, it is crucial to remember important information regarding waitlists and permission numbers. Here are some tips to remember when looking at CCI courses.


Most of you will have noted that a specific number of seats in each of our courses have been reserved for CCI minors. This is to ensure that CCI minors are never fully barred from enrolling in a CCI course. Until the end of December, these seat restrictions will be remain in effect, only after any open seats will be accessible to everyone, regardless of status as CCI minor. If a CCI course is full and you are unable to enroll, we advise that you add yourself to the waitlist as soon as possible. It may seem unlikely, but many students will drop out or switch classes during the first week of instruction.

Permission numbers:

Permission numbers will be issued at the discretion of the faculty member who is conducting that course. Generally, CCI faculty will not be issuing permission numbers until closer to the semester starting, after classroom assignments have been determined. The ONLY exception for spring 2024 is CCI 304-02 which requires instructor’s consent to register (304-01 does not require instructor consent, only section 02). If you are interested in taking CCI 304-02 you may request a permission number at registration time.

To request a permission number, you will need to email the faculty member teaching the course, include the following:

  1. Your name and ID number

  2. Reason you are requesting a permission number (closed class, consent required, prerequisite not met, etc.)

  3. Your rational for why you would like a permission number

  4. Whether or not you are on the waitlist for that course.

Please then ask that they confirm for you that you may request the permission number through the online system. If they give you confirmation, you may fill out the online form to request the number.

**Note that permission numbers will not work if you have a time conflict OR the class capacity is at fire code.

Lastly, if you have any doubts about how to register for classes, please contact the Office of the Registrar. Through your student center, you should be able to verify registration timelines, deadlines, and any other necessary forms. Keep in mind that It’s advised to schedule a meeting with your academic adviser to ensure that you are on track. As of now, for existing students, registration is scheduled to take place from November 6 through November 12.

By Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash.

There you have it, Panthers. Your road map to a simple and convenient registration process. Plan for the best and prepare for the worst. You may not get the schedule of your dreams, but we hope that this sneak peek will help you create one. It is vital to note that any information provided should be considered tentative until the official schedule is posted by the Office of the Registrar. We hope this information is helpful, and that your registration process goes as smoothly as possible.

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