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Kathryn Bernhardt

Fall Classes Exclusive!

Stressed about what classes you're going to take next semester? What's going to fit in your schedule? We know that planning can be stressful, so here's CCI's present to you: a sneak peak at what classes we're offering next fall!

CCI 100- Introduction to Creative and Cultural Industries: Section 01-T/TH 8:30-9:45am, and Section 02-T/TH 11:30-12:45pm This class will provide students with an introduction to the key concepts in the field of the Creative and Culture industries. Central to the course will be the exploration of the how culture is used both at an institutional level and in everyday life as well as the idea of culture and cultural production and how these concepts have been understood and have changed throughout history. The main goal being to help the students to explore the definitions and wider implications of the Creative and Cultural Industries in order to consolidate students’ knowledge of the multiple meanings associated with this term.

CCI 202- Popular Culture: T/TH 1-2:15pm This course introduces the major theories of popular culture, including various artistic practices in contemporary media culture. Topics include postmodernism, sexuality, transgression, visual culture, net activism and new technologies. Students explore theories that examine the basic issues of popular culture - surveillance, censorship, violence, taste and pleasure.

CCI 203- Contemporary Issues in Creative and Cultural Industries- Sustainability: M 4-6:50pm This class will examine the issues of environmental sustainability and the climate crisis in relation to the Creative and Cultural Industries. We will consider the current setup of the industry, examining the basic models that CCIs deploy to encourage us to consume (i.e. cyclic product cycles/planned obsolescence of devices) and consider the often-hidden environment impact of these industries. We will also look at how progressive CCIs are responding to these challenges by using creativity to address environmental sustainability, particularly by developing new product lines, business models, and working practices across the sector. We will examine these issues from a cultural and economic perspective; how adaption to the climate crisis is changing the way we engage with things and the new methods of monetizing these practices.

CCI 301- Studies in Cultural Institutions- Cultural Diplomacy: W 7-9:50pm Studies in Cultural Institutions will provide an overview of the varying approaches and ways we find the creative and cultural industries at play in the world through institutions. It will contribute to a framework for creative based global solutions implemented at the local level with themes of social justice, social entrepreneurship, and social engagement. This course will allow students to apply concepts directly to their areas of interest and focuses of study, for the purpose of exploring where they might work after graduation.

CCI 304-01- Creative and Cultural Industries in Practice- Podcasting: M 7-9:50pm This course allows students to contribute a segment for a reboot of the Catalyst Podcast, a podcast that focused on the art and the artists of Chapman University. Students who come out of this 300 level class will know how to produce, edit, host, market and launch their own podcast, and the Catalyst podcast would give them an opportunity to run a network, and give Chapman students an opportunity to subscribe, listen, and then learn about all of the talented students on the campus.

CCI 304-02- Creative and Cultural Industries in Practice- Fashion: F 1-3:45pm This course provides a review of fashion as a cultural industry, examining the production systems and commercial institutions that comprise the contemporary global fashion industry. Approached in divided framework of two parts, this course will begin by establishing history and methods of production which shape the structures of fashion. In the second half of the semester, students will engage in critical discussions on the intersection of fashion and identity, ethics, and politics.

CCI 304-03- Creative and Cultural Industries in Practice- Content Creation: T/TH 2:30-3:45pm This course looks at the practice of content creation as a CCI. We will explore how content creation has become a wide-spread skill, combining creative ways of thinking with digital forms. Topics include: how to create compelling digital stories; understanding cross-platform messaging; turning ideas into effective communication; the world of the digital social. The course will combine practice and analysis of key content creation, including digital storytelling, blogging, podcasts, visual cultural forms. It will explore issues regarding content creation and gender, equity, inclusion, power, as well as the creative process.

We're so excited for some new offerings and hope you get a chance to take them all! All of these are considered tentative, so keep an eye out for the official class offerings being released by the Office of the Registrar on Monday, March 22, 2021. At that time Class Schedules will be available by checking Class Search of the Student Center in Registration Appointments will be Monday-Friday, April 12-23, 2021.

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