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Pamela Coelho


It may feel like the spring semester just started and it’s too early to start thinking about fall course enrollment, but for many of us it can be helpful to begin planning courses early to allow for a smoother registration process. Here at the CCI Department, we’re excited to be ringing in the new season with new and exciting class offerings for the upcoming fall semester! The schedule of courses below provides extensive information about the range of CCI courses being offered that we hope will help you make informed choices as you set up your schedule for the upcoming semester.

CCI 100-01&02 Introduction to Creative and Cultural Industries:

  • Section 01- T/TH 8:30-9:45 AM

  • Section 02- T/TH 11:30-12:45 PM

This class will provide students with an introduction to the key concepts in the field of the Creative and Culture industries. Central to the course will be the exploration of the how culture is used both at an institutional level and in everyday life as well as the idea of culture and cultural production and how these concepts have been understood and have changed throughout history. The main goal being to help the students to explore the definitions and wider implications of the Creative and Cultural Industries in order to consolidate students’ knowledge of the multiple meanings associated with this term.

CCI 203-01 Contemporary Issues in CCI- Experiencing Creative and Cultural Industries:

  • Section 01- Experiencing Creative and Cultural Industries -T/TH 10-11:15 AM

This section of CCI 203 explores how CCI constructs experiences to engage our senses, heighten our emotions, challenge our view of the world, capture the past and reimagine the future. From theme park rides to watching a film, from VR gaming to styling our clothes, from music concerts to festivals, each CCI has developed ways in which we are drawn into an experience of desire, wonder, and excitement. We will look at how different CCI have constructed ways to mediate the world and reinvent themselves through the use of experiences. We will examine how different emotions are stirred and manipulated (joy, awe, fear, anxiety, bliss) through these experiences.

Note: Entrance to Disneyland for one day required. Funding may be available for students based on need and availability.

CCI 203-02 Contemporary Issues in CCI- Art and Activism:

  • Section 02- Art & Activism-M, 7:00 PM

From the unfurling of the AIDS quilt on the National Mall in 1987 to the projection of Breonna Taylor’s photograph on the base of the Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond in 2020, activist art has been – and continues to be – a powerful means for bringing about social and political change. This section of CCI 203 explores the generative intersection of art and activism, looking particularly at social justice-focused artists and projects both domestic and international. After studying key historical antecedents and theoretical frameworks, we will analyze an array of creative strategies by contemporary artists working in and across disciplines such as visual art, performance, street art, digital media and institutional critique. What defines an art project or action as “activist”? What is the relationship between an activist art form and its meaning? Can we observe a cultural shift from the 20th century “aesthetics of outrage” to a contemporary “aesthetics of care”? Course materials will include performance films, exhibition documentation, artist interviews, websites, and site visits to LA.

CCI 301-01&02 Studies in Cultural Institutions- Cultural Diplomacy:

  • Section 01- M/W 2:30-3:45 PM

  • Section 02- M/W 4-5:15 PM

Studies in Cultural Institutions will provide an overview of the varying approaches and ways we find the creative and cultural industries at play in the world through institutions. It will contribute to a framework for creative based global solutions implemented at the local level with themes of social justice, social entrepreneurship, and social engagement. This course will allow students to apply concepts directly to their areas of interest and focuses of study, for the purpose of exploring where they might work after graduation.

CCI 302-01 Cultural Memories in a Digital Age:

  • Section 01- M 4-6:50 PM

This course questions the consequences of unlimited storage in terms of cultural memories, their production in a world where it is impossible to forget. This course looks at the relationships between images, the globalization of media, cultural experience and the purpose of archives in contemporary life.

CCI 304-01- CCI in Practice- (Podcasting):

  • Section 01- W 7:00 PM

This section of CCI 304 allows students to contribute a segment for a reboot of the Catalyst Podcast, a podcast that focused on the art and the artists of Chapman University. Students who come out of this 300 level class will know how to produce, edit, host, market and launch their own podcast, and the Catalyst podcast would give them an opportunity to run a network, and give Chapman students an opportunity to subscribe, listen, and then learn about all of the talented students on the campus.

CCI 304-02- CCI in Practice- (Fashion):

  • Section 02- F 1:00-3:45 PM

This section of CCI 304 provides a review of fashion as a cultural industry, exa

mining the production systems and commercial institutions that comprise the contemporary global fashion industry. Approached in a divided framework of two parts, this course will begin by establishing history and methods of production which shape the structures of fashion. In the second half of the semester, students will engage in critical discussions on the intersection of fashion and identity, ethics, and politics.

CCI 304-03- CCI in Practice- Content Creation:

  • Section 03- T/TH 1:00-2:15 PM

This section of CCI 304 looks at Content Creation by combining analysis and practice of cross-platform messaging including digital storytelling, blogging, digital storytelling and visual culture forms, while exploring issues of gender, equity, inclusion, power, pleasure and the creative process.

You may not always have the perfect schedule, but with a bit of insight and forethought into next semester’s class offerings, we hope you were able to find plenty of courses that meet your needs and interests. Please keep in mind that this schedule is considered tentative until the official Fall 2022 schedule is released by the Office of the Registrar and made available to view starting on Monday, March 21st. For a complete list of important dates and deadlines please refer to the university registration timeline.

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