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A Creative Hub For The Future: The Media Cymru Consortium

Kathryn Bernhardt

As the 2022/2023 academic year has come to a close we wanted to leave you with not only with our well wishes for graduating CCI minors, but a last look at how CCI can create different experiences for students. Specifically how it can allow students to view other disciplines and even themselves and their interests through a different lens. Ali Davenport ’23, who just graduated with a degree in English, specializing in Journalism and a double minor in CCI and Environmental Studies, has penned a reflection on her internship and an event that she attended at the British Consulate, both this spring and both connecting for her through CCI.

This year, I had an internship based in Beverly Hills working in public relations and fashion marketing. As a journalist, this was a new industry for me to explore. Driving to Beverly Hills every week, I felt like I had imposter syndrome. How did I end up here?

But as I continued working for the company, Michele Marie PR, I felt at home working with other creatives. It was interesting to learn new skills and more about the fashion industry. I found through this internship that there are ways for me to combine my passions for both fashion and journalism by pursuing an editorial career in the future.

Chapman students making introductions to the head of Media Cymru. Photo Courtesy of CCI graduate Ali Davenport.

When I attended the Media Cymru networking event, I felt the same. You see, Media Cymru which delivers creative projects that work with the main themes of environmental sustainability, global reach, equality, diversity & inclusion and economic growth, hosted a networking event for creatives of all kinds, at the British Consulate this past March and through the Center for Creative and Cultural Industries I had the opportunity to attend. Film, music and other creative talents met on that March evening in Hollywood, to learn from Media Cymru about its organizations across the Cardiff Capital Region in Wales.

As so many creative minds came together under one roof, I was intimidated. I was nervous to speak up, but ended up talking to anyone that I could. I pushed myself because I knew this was a special moment where I could learn from excellent creative minds. The opportunity to ask people questions about their creative jobs made me excited and energized. It was exactly where I needed to be.

Going through college, I had trouble pinpointing specific jobs or paths I needed to take to get into a certain industry. As I came into my sophomore year, I recognized I wanted to go into something creative, I just didn’t know what. As a senior, though I love being a journalist and writing, I have realized I’m open to different industries and other creative jobs.

Attending the Media Cymru event in Hollywood opened my eyes to see: people really do these kinds of exciting creative jobs. And so could I.

Students and creative leaders listen to learn more about Media Cymru and their mission. Photo courtesy of CCI graduate Ali Davenport.

I didn’t know where I would fit in or find my place early in college, but as I have learned through cultural creative industry courses and fantastic creative networking opportunities like this- creative jobs make the world go ‘round. We’re not limited to just one field. Being young means trying different things and soaking up information and knowledge from industry professionals you meet. At this event at the British Consulate, I spoke to journalists, Netflix leaders, photographers and public relations experts. But all had the same advice in common: try everything and anything. Not one person I met had a straight path to success. They attempted different creative jobs until they found their way. Until they found their passion.

Media Cymru is an innovative space that offers creative jobs and is making Wales a green, fair and sustainable media hub. I even learned that the creative economy is a cornerstone to the Welsh community. Speaking with industry experts at their event opened my mind to creative possibilities and excited me about my future potential. Media Cymru sets an excellent standard for creative companies everywhere with its local vision but global ambition.

Ali has been an outstanding Chapman student, passionate about journalism and the creative and cultural industries, she has enriched the programs she was a part of with her creative, curious and critical thought. We are excited to see where these traits lead her in life and what she chooses to accomplish next!

And with that, we want to say thank you to ALL of our CCI minors who have graduated this academic year, we could not be more proud of all of your accomplishments! We are excited to have you join the ranks of our esteemed CCI Alumni. We hope you all have a safe and exciting summer season.

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